Kaumatua Health Assistance
The Lake Rotoaira Forest Trustees offer a reimbursement grant to assist and encourage their kaumatua to maintain good health.
- 65 years and over (must provide identification)
- Beneficial owner of shares in Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust blocks
- Beneficial owners who have put their Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust shares into a Whanau Trust
- Provide receipts for reimbursement or a quote from the Medical Provider
- Eye treatment
- Dental treatment
- Hearing treatment
- Doctors' Visits
- Specialist Consultation visits
The maximum value of assistance is $300 per annum.
For a copy of the application form click here.
For more information:
Contact us
P: +64 7 386 8834 • E:
Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust, PO Box 155, Turangi 3353, New Zealand.
Marae Grants
The Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust provide the following Marae Support:
- Capital Funding
- Maintenance Funding
The Capital Funding may be used to support major construction or reconstruction projects:
- New construction
- Complete or substantial demolition and replacement of an existing structure
- Substantial extension of an existing structure.
The Maintenance Funding may be used to support smaller projects that assist with the general functional upkeep of a Marae:
- Minor repairs or replacement of existing structures, fixtures, fittings or chattels
- Work required to restore an asset to its previous condition, or to prevent deterioration
- Maintenance resulting from general wear and tear.
Marae/Hapu eligible to apply for consideration are those listed in the table below.
Marae may apply for one or both categories in any financial year. Trustees will consider each application based on the Marae requirements to meet health and safety regulations, the level and degree of use by the Marae.
Applications open 01 May of each year and close 09 September of the same year.
To request an application form, please contact our office.
Ngati Hikairo
Otukou / Papakai / Te Rena
Ngati Waewae – Marangataua
Whitikaupeka / Oruamatua / Te Tikanga
Ngati Pouroto
Ngati Kurauia
Ngati Turangitukua
Ngati Rongomai
Ngati Turumakina
Ngati Hinemihi
Kauriki / Maniaiti / Kakahi / Piriaka
Ngati Parekawa
Ngati Manunui
For more information:
Contact us
P: +64 7 386 8834 • E:
Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust, PO Box 155, Turangi 3353, New Zealand.